What We Do

Strategic Advice for Developers, Operators, and Vendors​

The SIRE Capital Partners team has significant experience working with real estate developers, fund managers, operators and vendors across the risk spectrum​. We address the challenge that many small and medium investment firms encounter when trying to maintain their own internal capital raising and deal origination team.

Our fully outsourced capital raising and deal origination offering replaces inefficient, costly, and slow internal teams which adds immediate value to your firm.

We deliver results via:

Access to our global investor network.

Best in class presentation of your opportunity.

What We Do

Delivering Secure Income and Capital Preservation​

The SIRE Capital Partners team utilise multiple high-quality sources of data to make investment decisions. We believe data tells an objective story that helps to avoid biases that are often inherent in an investment process.

This focus has produced outsized investment returns for our clients. Identifying secure income streams leads to consistent perfomance across the cycle.

We believe that "fewer losers" outperforms "more winners" over the long term.

We deliver results via:

Access to a deep and broad range of

secure income opportunities.

Objective approach to investment selection based on high-quality data sources.


Healthcare - an underserved asset class

 SIRE Capital Partners is currently focused on healthcare assets within three broad categories: Cure & Prevention, Care, Retirement . We see these asset types offering attractive risk-adjusted returns for our clients.


Healthcare is an essential "needs-based" service, and currently scores highest in our Secure Income Real Estate framework.

We expect healthcare real estate to deliver stable income throughout the economic cycle.

The Process image
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